Tuesday, February 27, 2007

YSL's Downtown Bag in White/Ivory

I tried on this purse yesterday when the hubby, the kid and I were roaming around in Beverly Hills searching for a birthday gift for the MIL's 60th. This picture doesn't do it justice. It's actually really really cute. It looks good on me. I think I should get it. But I can't justify myself to buy a purse - what's the point? I should save that money and start a college fund. Or use it to buy a piece of furniture. Hubby offered to buy it for me right there on the spot - but I got scared. So he said to sleep on it and if I still wanted it that we'd get it. I still want it. BUT like I said, I shouldn't. I have a kid now. I shouldn't spend money frivolously. I have a kid now. I shouldn't get it, right?

Anyways...sorry for the lack of posts people. I miss blogging. But, the kid takes up most of my time. He's getting cuter and cuter...and bigger. Did I mention how cute he is? His 1st birthday is in 2 months. Holy cow! 2 months! I still need to order invitations, order cake, finalize menus, do gift bags for the kids, order dduk, get hanbok, take 1 year family pics, and create a slide show. Yeah, I told the hubby that we needed to buy a Mac to create the slideshow - so we bought a Mac. I've gotten as far as reading the tutorial. I hope the slideshow comes out okay. We'll see...

I'm going to try and update more often. But these next 2 months is going to be extremely busy for me. So much is going on in our lives right now. I'm off to Park City, Utah tomorrow a.m. for a few days to surprise the MIL for her bday (I should be packing and not blogging), I've got a bday dinner this weekend when I get back, then a baby shower the following week, then hosting a bridal shower/bachelorette party the week after that, and then I have the kid's 1st birthday to plan and then be in a wedding next month AND throw the kid's birthday party at the end of next month. And I'm ovulating sometime in between all that. Yes, we're trying for kid #2. Wish us luck!! Since we're planning for kid #2, we're looking to move - to a house. With a yard! Hopefully with a pool! And more bedrooms! And bathrooms!

Well, there you have it. A quick update of our life. I'll post some updated pics when I get back. Oh! And look out for some new baby gear reviews - I've had to buy a bunch of stuff to take to our trip so after I use it all, I'll be back to post my thoughts and recommendations!~ ^_^