We went to a bbq at Ben's aunt's house on Labor Day. Christian had so much fun playing with his cousin who's 4 months older than him.

Holding hands.... aren't they so stinkin' cute?!

Christian giving his cousin "ppo ppo". It's so cute, he gives kisses all opened mouth - saliva and all~

Some random pics...
Hip Hop Christian....

Christian playing on the stairs in our building...

Putting on Daddy's sneakers....

Watching TV in his Ikea Chair... (this chair is fantastic and I'll be writing a post soon about a bunch of Ikea stuff)

Doing his fake cry...

Riding his little trike with his Thomas the Train Helmet with no shorts on...

The past 4 months have been really hard because it took me this long to adjust to his new found independence. He's walking all over the place, he's semi-talking, he's throwing tantys, etc. But now, I've come to finally adjust and accept how he's growing up and it's beginning to be so much fun! I love spending time with him and watching him grow. We've put off having baby #2 because I was having such a hard time with Christian hitting toddlerhood. But now, I think I'm finally getting the hang of it and maybe in a few months, we're really gonna try for #2. I'm so sad that Christian is growing up so fast even though it's such a joy to watch. I miss holding a helpless little infant in my arms and breastfeeding... goodness! This is how we're able to continue having babies, I think. You suddenly forget about all the pain you go through with labor and the sleepless nights because the joy of being with your baby and experiencing them grow is so much greater than any pain you will go through. I loove being my baby's mommy!~ ^_^
But here's a warning for you moms with babies who are younger than Christian on what to expect: About a month or so ago, when Christian was about 15 months, he started getting night terrors. We battle these several nights a week. He's a very good sleeper - usually sleeps 12 to 13 hours straight every night (he's been doing this since he was a little over 6 months) but the night terrors will wake him up in the middle of the night and he'll cry uncontrollably and then after about 15 minutes, he'll finally snap out of it. It's so sad to watch and so hard on us because we're so used to being able to sleep through the night. Even though these terrors wake the whole family up, I actually don't mind too much because this is the only time I actually get to have Christian in my bed with me. He's such a "sleep by myself in my own crib" baby that I really enjoy the nights that I get to hold him in my arms and stare at his sleepy face. All I can say is, yes, these night terrors are quite a nuissance, and yes, you'll lose some sleep over it, but it's all part of the game. Just be patient and be there for your baby and enjoy the quiet nights you have with them... cuz they're not going to stay this young for very long!~
We're off to San Diego this weekend for a week! Not sure that I'll be able to post before then, but I'll definitely post a bunch of pics from our trip when we get back. Hope everyone is doing fantabulous! Life is good... =)